Christine Lemieux

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Saying Goodbye to 2020 With a Grateful Heart

As 2020 fades into 2021, I’m saying goodbye with a grateful heart.

There have been devastating and heartbreaking stories this year, and most everyone has had to adapt to a new way of life. But through it all, there have been enlightening moments too.

Looking through photographs taken this past year, I find myself reflecting on the many special days spent with my beloved family. I feel that extracting those precious moments from a challenging year that has changed us, is how I want to remember and close 2020.

I have had my hardships; it hasn’t been an easy year. But it has opened my eyes on a myriad of levels. Ultimately, it has grounded me, shown me the way back to authenticity and hopeful beginnings that I abandoned over the years.

What did we do this year?

Did we let go of the things that didn’t matter? Did we love more? Did we live with more compassion? Did we reach out to those in need? We did.

Although the hill was steep and overgrown in weeds, we took the means to trudge through and clear a path in the best ways we could.

Back in April I wrote about this affliction being a wake-up call. I wrote about the whole world coming together and how the divide between us would eventually melt away. My words felt right at the beginning of this ordeal… then as new events developed over the summer, I came to feel that they were nearly meaningless. However, at this time, after a lot of dust has settled, I feel that we’re trekking along a new trail, towards a higher destination.

It took us many years to come to a destructive state. So, we cannot expect that everything will fall into place rapidly. It will take time, but there is hope. This experience has pushed us to grow with a greater state of awareness. For me, it’s about going through a new shift to a fulfilling life and a better world.

We need not fear the future, we need to embrace it. See the world with new eyes, but most importantly see ourselves with new eyes. Trust in life, be thankful to be alive. I do know for a fact that what we focus on will expand, so choose the outcome you wish for accordingly. Good attracts good, remember that.   

May we release yesterday’s struggles and walk into 2021 with bright eyes, big dreams and an unwavering faith that a great future awaits.