Christine Lemieux

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Tips for An Easy Breezy Back to School Routine!

School begins in a few days for my kids… shopping for new clothes, cool markers and pretty notebooks is the easy part. The harder part has to do with setting up an efficient routine and getting them to do their homework.

Over the years, I’ve found that by creating an inviting and organized space to do schoolwork and (for younger children) having visible morning and after school charts can help in the process.

Start by carving out a designated space for homework and add all supplies needed to work efficiently.  

I’m all for reusing items from previous years instead of wasting, however tame any clutter by clearing out items that aren’t useful anymore such as dried out markers.

Start by sorting last years pencils, markers, scissors, sharpeners and so on. Keep what’s good and throw away the rest (there’s no need to keep ten pencils of the same color!). By using separate containers for pencils, markers, erasers, paper clips, rulers and glue, your homework area will remain tidy all year long! Organize these items in an interesting and efficient way.

Design fun-looking before and after school checklists. It will help your kids stay on track and serve as a reminder for what needs to be done!

Here are some suggestions for your charts:

Morning Chart:

·         Make bed

·         Get dressed

·         Eat breakfast

·         Brush teeth

·         Brush hair

·         Put lunch box & water bottle in backpack

·         Library today? (don’t forget your books)

·         Gym today? (bring gym clothes)  

After School Chart:

·         Hang up coat  

·         Put shoes in closet

·         Drop off water bottle and lunchbox in kitchen

·         Wash hands

·         Have a healthy snack

·         Do homework

·         Read for 20 minutes

·         Prep backpack for tomorrow

·         Chores

·         Playtime!

Don’t forget to set-up a reward system that will motivate them to always do their best!